What does the Saboteur sound like?
Are you good at accomplishing some goals, but not others? To high-achievers who normally get things done this can be very frustrating. Usually the first or only thing you in response to this non-action is spend oodles of time analyzing why this is happening--most likely never coming up with an answer. You wonder if you are doing something wrong or maybe you aren't supposed to be attempting it to begin with. Or, even worse, you wonder if something is wrong with you.
Here's another idea, could it be your saboteur is running the show?
Here's another idea, could it be your saboteur is running the show?
Awareness is Key
I'm too tired
It's not THAT important
There isn't enough time
I don't have enough money
It seems like too much work
It doesn't sound as exciting as it did yesterday
I'm not smart enough
Someone else already tried it
I don't have enough focus
The big shift here is you are now aware of you saboteur. Saboteurs are like Tasmanian devils-- running around unnoticed. The following strategies will help you negotiate these little buggars. Since we are human and always evolving, try one strategy, if it doesn't work, try another. You can even combine strategies. Hiring a life coach is another great way to make this process even more powerful and effective.
- Identification: Give your saboteur an identity. What is his/her name? What does she/he do for a living? What is his/her personality like? Draw a picture of your saboteur. When "Joe Schmo saboteur" shows up, you have a physical representation of what is attempting to run the show.
- Vision: Spend a few minutes writing down your vision. What do you want to accomplish? What does it look and feel like? What is this accomplishment providing for you? What impact is it having on your family, community, the world? Refocusing our thoughts on the actual goal helps to quiet the saboteur.
- Assign: Give you saboteur something to do. You are in charge of your saboteur, not the other way around. Tell it to go on an errand, clean the bathroom, wash the car or even go on vacation. You can even tell it to sit in the corner in time-out. Values: What values are being honored in this moment? What values are NOT being honored? Write down 5-10 of these values. If freedom is a value not being honored by listening to the saboteur, in what ways can you honor freedom in this very moment?
- Listen: Listen to your saboteur for a few minutes. Give it the full stage, so you and the audience can really listen. Write down what its saying. After the max of 5 minutes, tell your saboteur 'thank you' and it needs to leave the stage. Now, it's your turn at the lectern--what do you want to say? What do you want the audience to know about your goal?
For some of you, doing these strategies by yourself will be effective. In others, the saboteur is stronger. In fact, the more powerful your goal, the stronger you saboteur. I can help--we will have a lovely conversation around it--and I won't charge you. Consider it my saboteur slaying gift to you.